To ensure superior care, value and the best outcomes, Exceptional Opportunities is fully accredited, illustrating our commitment to providing programs and services that are measurable, accountable and of the highest quality.

Exceptional Opportunities (ExOp), located in Algona, Iowa, is licensed by the Iowa Department of Health and Human Services to provide Supported Community Living Services under the Intellectual Disability Waiver. After an onsite survey in 2022, ExOp received a three-year certification, effective November 30, 2022, through December 1, 2025.
In March 2021, the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) surveyors accredited the Community Integration and Community Employment Services for the 12th three-year term.
Our organization’s impact on the local economy in Kossuth County is substantial. Exceptional Opportunities directly provides 80 full-time and 30 part-time jobs in the Kossuth County area with an annual payroll of $4,500,000. Employees make retail purchases throughout the local retail establishments and restaurants in area communities as well as purchase homes, enroll their children in our schools and participate in local churches.
According to researchers at Iowa State University, the healthcare industry is vital to the rural community. The multiplier effects of wages and benefits that are paid to Exceptional Opportunities employees support a total of 225 jobs and $1,242,000 in retail sales throughout these communities. In addition, Exceptional Opportunities purchases supplies and utilities from local businesses whenever possible.