Kiwanis Club
The Algona Aktion Kiwanis Club was the first in the Iowa/Nebraska region and has raised over $18,000 for charities and organizations both locally and nationwide.

Aktion (pronounced “Action”) is a Kiwanis club for citizens with disabilities. The club objectives are to develop initiative and leadership, to serve the community, to prepare for and be useful citizens, to accept and promote the Kiwanis ideals and encourage daily living of the Golden Rule.
The three Kiwanis clubs of Algona worked with Exceptional Opportunities to start the first Aktion Kiwanis Club in the Iowa/Nebraska region. Meetings are held twice a month, on the first and third Tuesdays with the Aktion Club electing officers, conducting a business meeting and then enjoying a program. The Aktion Club is assisted in arranging for a program or entertainment by the other Kiwanis clubs in Algona.
Often on the receiving end of others’ kind acts and thoughtfulness, the Aktion Kiwanis club is an opportunity for the individuals served by Exceptional Opportunities to give to back to the community.
Since 2002, the Aktion Kiwanis Club of Algona has contributed over $18,000 to local and global projects including the Food Pantry, elementary reading programs, a wheelchair-accessible dock at Smith Lake, State 5 Theatre, Relay for Life, an accessible swing set in Burt City Park, Children’s Miracle Network Fund – Iowa City, Kossuth County DARE program, ditch cleanup, Crop Walk, Kossuth County Nature Center, Great Minds Learning Center, Pediatric Trauma kits for Lu Verne and Burt ambulances, Founders’ Day free movies, Miracle League Baseball, Jerry Lewis telethon and other worthy projects.
Our organization’s impact on the local economy in Kossuth County is substantial. Exceptional Opportunities directly provides 80 full-time and 30 part-time jobs in the Kossuth County area with an annual payroll of $4,500,000. Employees make retail purchases throughout the local retail establishments and restaurants in area communities as well as purchase homes, enroll their children in our schools and participate in local churches.
According to researchers at Iowa State University, the healthcare industry is vital to the rural community. The multiplier effects of wages and benefits that are paid to Exceptional Opportunities employees support a total of 225 jobs and $1,242,000 in retail sales throughout these communities. In addition, Exceptional Opportunities purchases supplies and utilities from local businesses whenever possible.